HelpLine Awarded Women’s Fund Grant for Thank Goodness I’m Female (TGIF) Leadership Cohort

HelpLine recently received a 2021 Women’s Fund of Central Ohio grant for the second consecutive year for the Thank Goodness I’m Female (TGIF) Leadership Cohort. The TGIF Leadership Cohort is a skills building leadership group for high school students identifying as girls. The cohort is based around a “you can’t be what you can’t see” model, providing […]
HelpLine Promotes the Importance of Believing Survivors During Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April

Delaware, OH – April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and HelpLine Sexual Assault Response Network (SARN) is promoting the message, “Start by Believing” (SBB), through providing education on appropriate responses to sexual assault disclosures. Affirming responses lead to improved access to support resources for Survivors while ending the cycle of silence. Created by End Violence Against […]