Training Details

Not Friend or Family: Maintaining Effective Boundaries in the Helping Professions – Ethical and Practical Considerations

This workshop will discuss strategies for establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries in a variety of areas with adults and their families. Specifically, it will provide discussions about disclosure of personal information (including social media and modern technology), accepting gifts, handling violations of personal space, maintaining effective confidentiality, and moving on after a death or loss.
Learning Objectives:

*To identify and define the topic of personal and professional boundaries with older clients, i.e. What is the nature of the professional relationship? Ethical and practical considerations? (30 minutes) Interactive case study and discussion.

*To discuss strategies for establishing and maintaining effective boundaries in the area of sharing personal information and social media (25 minutes).  Interactive discussion with handouts.

* To discuss strategies for establishing and maintaining effective boundaries in the area of reciprocity of services and financial exchanges (25 minutes). Interactive discussion with handouts.

*To discuss strategies for establishing and maintaining effective boundaries in the area of personal space (25 minutes). Interactive discussion with handouts.

*To discuss strategies for establishing and maintaining effective boundaries in the area of confidentiality (25 minutes). Interactive discussion with handouts.

*To discuss strategies for establishing and maintaining effective boundaries in the area of closure after a death or loss (25 minutes) Interactive discussion with handouts.

*To discuss tips for re-establishing effective boundaries with older adults and their families after they have been compromised if possible (25 minutes). Interactive discussion with handouts.

Event Cost:


Event Information:

Thursday, Sept. 18, 2025

9 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

In person. Location to be determined

About the Presenter(s):

Paula Taliaferro, MGS, LSW

Paula works part time at the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging as an
Outreach & Education Specialist. As such, she has presented over 900
workshops in the last decade. Paula holds a Master’s Degree in
Gerontology from Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University and a
License in Social Work in the State of Ohio. She is a PAC Approved
Trainer under Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach Certification. She is
developer of the “Aging In Ohio” course which is required of many
professionals who work with older adults. In addition, she is one two
developers of the “Fundamentals of Guardianship” course sponsored by
the Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial College and an Affiliated Trainer with
the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia


Paid caregivers as well as those in health care and social services, are often in a unique position. Clients often want to treat them like family or friends; employers want them to work efficiently and not to form personal ties. They sometimes feel caught in the middle. They have to balance the differing expectations of their employees, their clients and their own personal needs while getting their jobs done to everyone’s satisfaction.